Leonid Moskvin


Prof., Dr. Sci. (Chem.)

Mail address: 198504, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Peterhof, Universitetsky pr, 26, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry
Room №:
Phone: +7-812-428-40-88
ResearcherID K-3425-2013
AuthorID 7004316359
SPIN 7188-5125
ORCID 000-0003-0005-2524

Scientific-and-educational group:
separation methods and Hy-Phenated methods of analysis

Area of research:
Separation and concentration methods and Hy-Phenated methods of analysis

Scientific achievements:
Moskvin LN an outstanding scientist in the field of analytical chemistry and radiochemistry. They are open, both theoretically and experimentally proved new analytical techniques: liquid-gas and liquid-gas adsorption chromatography, chromatomembrane mass transfer processes and methods of separation on its principles, a new method of flow: cyclic injection analysis; first proposed block monolithic sorbents, laid the foundations of the new membrane methods: electrodialysis through the extraction membrane and electroosmofiltration, the brought a great contribution to the solution of problems of automation of chemical analysis on the principles of flow techniques for the solution of problems of chemical and process control in nuclear power and control of chemical pollution of the environment .

Main results of applied work:
Moskvin LN author of over 900 publications, including 7 monographs and more than 40 patents. Research results Moskvin LN and started on his ideas and under the direct supervision of technologies, methods and tools of analytical and radiochemical monitoring is widely used in existing nuclear power facilities: nuclear power plants, submarines and surface ships, on the bases of the nuclear fleet of the Russian Federation, in automated shipboard systems, eco-analytical control and monitoring of waters “Ekopatrul” series.

Educational job:

  • Teaching courses:
    “Analytical chemistry” (PhD program “Chemistry”)
    “Separation methods” (bachelor’s program “Chemistry”)


1. Moskvin L.N. A Classification of Separation Methods // Separation and Purification Reviews. 2016. Vol.45. № 1,2. P. 1-27.
2. Родинков О.В., Журавлёва Г.А., Москвин Л.Н. Влияние модифицирующей добавки хлорида кобальта на селективность стационарных фаз в газовой хроматографии // Журн. аналит. химии. 2016. Т. 71. № 10. С. 1095 – 1100.
3. Leonid N. Moskvin and Nina M. Yakimova Countercurrent Electrophoretic Water Purification from Ionic and Electrically Charged Colloidal Admixtures // Desalination and Water Treatment Journal (принято в печать)
4. Kamencev M, Yakimova N., Moskvin L., Kuchumova I., Tkach K., Malinina Y., Tungusov O. Isotopic separation of lithium ions by capillary zone electrophoresis // Electrophoresis, 2015, 36, 3014–3017. DOI 10.1002/elps.201500399. IF 2,53
5. М.Я. Каменцев, Л.Н. Москвин, Ю. Малинина, Якимова Н.М., И.Д. Кучумова Определение алкиламинов в водных средах методом капиллярного электрофореза // Журнал аналитической химии. 2016. Т.71. № 9. С. 951-955. DOI 10.7868/S0044450216090103. IF 0,72
6. O.V. Rodinkov, L.N. Moskvin, M.I. Viktorova, A.A. Dyakin, N. M. Yakimova. Chromatomembrane Headspace Analysis of Aqueous Solutionsat Elevated Temperatures // Chromatographia. 2015. 78. P. 1211-1220. (Impact Factor 1,411. DOI 10.1007/s10337-015-2926-7)
7. Ch. Vakh, M. Falkova, I.Timofeeva, A. Moskvin, L. Moskvin, A.Bulatov. Flow analysis: A novel approach for classification. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. 2015.in Press. (Impact factor 2.692, DOI:10.1080/10408347.2015.1087301)
8. A. Y. Shishov, L. S. Nikolaeva, L. N. Moskvin, A. V. Bulatov. Fully automated spectrophotometric procedure for simultaneous determination of calcium and magnesium in biodiesel // Talanta. 2015. 135. P.133-137. (Impact Factor 3,545. DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2014.12.014)
9. O.V. Rodinkov, E.ASmirnova, L.N.Moskvin. Effect of temperature on the performance characteristics of continuous chromatomembrane gas extraction. // Journal of analytical chtmistry. 2015. 70. 87-91. (Impact Factor 0,479. DOI: 10.1134/S106193481501013XDocument)
10. A. Petrova, A. Bulatov, A. Vishnikin, L.Moskvin, R.Ishimatsu, K.Nakan, T. Imato. A Miniaturized Stepwise Injection Spectrophotometric Analyzer. Analytical Sciences. 2015. 31. P. 529-532. ( Impact factor 1.394. doi.org/10.2116/analsci.31.529)
11. Ch. Vakh, E. Freze, A.Pochivalov, E. Evdokimova, M. Kamencev, L.Moskvin, A. Bulatov. Simultaneous determination of iron (II) and ascorbic acid in pharmaceuticals based on flow sandwich technique // Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 2015. 73. P. 56–62. (Impact factor 2.390,doi:10.1016/j.vascn.2015.03.006)
12. M.T. Falkova, A.V. Bulatov, M.O. Pushina, A. A. Ekimov, G.M. Alekseeva, L.N. Moskvin Multicommutated stepwise injection determination of ascorbic acid in medicinal plants and food samples by capillary zone electrophoresis ultraviolet detection // Talanta. 2015. 133. 82–87. (Impact factor 3,545. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.04.092)
13. A. Bulatov, K. Medinskaia, D. Aseeva, S. Garmonov, L. Moskvin. Determination of antipyrine in saliva using the dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on a stepwise injection system // Talanta. 2015. 133. P. 66-70. Impact factor 3,545, DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2014.05.064)
14. M.T. Falkova, M. Alexovič, M. Pushina, A. Bulatov, L. Moskvin, V. Andruch On-line flow-batch based ultrasound-assisted surfactant-mediated extraction and determination of anthraquinones in medicinal plants // Microchemical Journal. 2014. 116. P. 98-106. (Impact factor 2,746. DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2014.03.011)
15. I. Timofeeva, I. Khubaibullin, M. Kamencev, A. Moskvin, A. Bulatov Automated procedure for determination of ammonium ion in concrete with headspace single-drop micro-extraction by stepwise injection spectrophotometric analysis // Talanta. 2015. 133. P.34-37. (Impact factor 3,545. Doi 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.04.081).
16. Ch.S. Vakh, A. V. Bulatov, A. Y. Shishov, A. V. Zabrodin, L.N. Moskvin. Determination of silicon, phosphorus, iron and aluminum in biodiesel by multicommutated stepwise injection analysis with сlassical least squares method // Fuel. 2014. 135. P. 198–204. (Impact factor 3,520. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2014.06.059).
17. Ch. S. Fulmes, A.V. Bulatov, O. G. Yasakov, E.A. Freze, A.N. Moskvin, Y.M. Dedkov, L. N. Moskvin Multicommutated Stepwise Injection Analysis as New Approach for Simultaneous Determination of Nickel (II), Copper (II) and Zinc (II) in Wet Aerosols // Microchemical Journal. 2013. 110. P. 649–655. (Impact factor 2,746. doi:10.1016/j.microc.2013.06.007).
18. M.Ya Kamentsev, Ya. S. Kamentsev, L. N. Moskvin, N. M. Yakimova. Determination of zinc(II) and cadmium(II) as their complexes with Xylenol Orange by capillary elecrophoresis using online preconcentration // Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2011. 66. P. 212-214. (Impact factor 0,479. DOI: 10.1134/S1061934810121019).
19. L.N.Moskvin, S.A. Simanova, N.M. Yakimova New Capabilities in Extraction of Platinum Metal Chloride Complexes with Oxigen-Containin Extractants // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2012. 82. С. 9-16. (Impact factor 0,477.DOI: 10.1134/S1070363212010021).
20. N. B. Ivanenko, A. A. Ganeev, N. D. Solovyev and L. N. Moskvin Determination of trace elements in biological fluids // Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2011. 66, P. 784-799. (Impact factor 0,479. DOI: 10.1134/S1061934811090036)

Scholarships and grants:
RSF 16-13-10117 (2016 – 2018) «Development of new hyphenated methods for biological and environmental samples analysis»
RFBR 5-03-051151 (2015-2016) « Chromatomembrane generation of standard samples of volatiles»
RFBR 12-06-00655а (2012-2014 ) «Development of analytical capabilities chromatomembrane headspace analysis»

Public and organizing activity:
Chairman of the Dissertation Council in Analytical Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University
a member of dissertation councils in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry, St. Petersburg State University
a member of the dissertation council on radiochemistry RIAN
Chairman of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences NSAH
Member of the Editorial Board of the Russian Journal of Analytical chemistry
RFBR expert.

Academic and professional awards:
Award competitions on the best scientific and research works RIRAS by the name of V.G. Khlopin, NSTI by the name of A.P. Alexandrov and IAE by the name of I.V. Kurchatov. In 1995, he won the St. Petersburg State University for a series of works in the field of separation methods. In 1979, for the joint with fellow НИТИ scientific and technological work on defense projects Moskvin LN. He was awarded the Order “Badge of Honor”. In 1990, for the scientific management of the work of the joint team of employees and representatives of NITI Navy to prevent radiation and nuclear disasters in areas of basing of nuclear submarines in the Northern and Pacific fleets awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. In 1996 he won the competition for the best popular scientific articles, conducted by the International Science Foundation and the RFBR. In 2004, Moskvin LN together with academician Yu.A.Zolotov and member of. corr. RAS B.J Spivakov won them V.G. Khlopin RAS “Development of new methods for the separation and concentration of substances for analytical, preparative and technological problems of radiochemistry.” In 2008, together with Academician Myasoedov BF and with his disciples for the work “Complex solution of radioecological safety problems of nuclear power facilities, industry and navy” received the Russian Federation Government Prize in Science and Technology. In the aggregate achievements in scientific research and training in 2013, the first residents of St. Petersburg was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.