Assistant Prof., Ph.D. (Chem.)
Mail address: 198504, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Peterhof, Universitetsky pr, 26, Institute of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry
Laboratory №: 3131
Scientific-and-educational group:
automation of chemical analysis based on flow methods
Area of research:
methods of miniaturization of chemical analysis, sample preparation, hybrid methods of analysis
Educational job:
- Teaching courses:
“Methods of oil and oil products analysis”
“Chemical methods of analysis”
Irina Timofeeva, Andrey Shishov, Daria Kanashina, Daria Dzema, Andrey Bulatov. On-line in-syringe sugaring-out liquid-liquid extraction coupled with HPLC-MS/MS for the determination of pesticides in fruit and berry juices. Talanta. 2017.
Andrey Shishov, Ilya Gorbunov, Andrey Bulatov, Fast flow-based method for automated and miniaturized determination of ferrocene in gasoline. Microchemical Journal 2017. V 130, P. 185–190
Andrey Shishov, Anastasia Penkova, Andrey Zabrodin, Konstantin Nikolaev, Maria Dmitrenko, Sergey Ermakov, Andrey Bulatov. Vapor permeation-stepwise injection simultaneous determination of methanol and ethanol in biodiesel with voltammetric detection. Talanta. 2016. V. 148. P. 666-672.
Marina Falkova, Christina Vakh, Andrey Shishov, Ekaterina Zubakina, Aleksey Moskvin, Leonid Moskvin, Andrey Bulatov. Automated IR determination of petroleum products in water based on sequential injection analysis. Talanta. 2016. V. 148. P. 661-665.
Andrey Shishov, Andrey Zabrodin, Leonid Moskvin, Vasil Andruch,Andrey Bulatov. Interfacial reaction using particle-immobilized reagents in a fluidized reactor. Determination of glycerol in biodiesel. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2016. V. 914. P.75-80.
Academic and professional awards:
• Member of 63 meeting of Nobel laureates in chemistry with young scientists in Lindau, Germany (2013);
• Winner of the Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013);
• The winner of the grant competition for students, post-graduate students of universities, industry and academic institutions located in the territory of St. Petersburg (2012 and 2013);
• The winner of the contest “Student of the Year” in the nomination “The Best in the scientific and technical creativity” (2011);
• Winner of Shimadzu (2012 and 2015);
• The winner of the national competition of research works of students and post-graduate in Chemical Sciences and Material Sciences (2012);
• Russian President’s Scholarship (2010-2011 g and 2014-2015 g);
• Winner of “Member of the Youth Research and Innovation Competition” (UMNIK) (2009-2010).